My blog
A growing hub of content that will help you navigate the path of healing, self-love and spirituality.
What to do when you feel down
In order to shift out of that low vibrational energy and back into the higher vibrational energy that feels much more pleasant, there’s a variety of things we can do without wallowing. So put the ice-cream back in the freezer and have a look at the suggestions below that offer you a much more fruitful alternative.
Use your diagnosis to transform your life
In this article, I’ve included a quick exercise that can help you use this traumatic experience to transform your life. Although this has been written for someone who is at the receiving end of the diagnosis, the exercise is also great for those close to you to complete too.
Am I experiencing a Spiritual Awakening?
A spiritual awakening happens when you’re ready to awaken to the true nature of who you are, the world and all of the magic that’s in it. I’ve covered off some of the things you might experience below but as always, you are unique and your spiritual path will differ too.
Moving past the diagnosis
Receiving a diagnosis such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease to name a few, can leave you feeling in shock and the road ahead can feel like a long and lonely one. I am here to assure you that you are not on your own and there is light at the end of the dark tunnel you have found yourself in.