Am I experiencing a Spiritual Awakening?

Spiritual Awakening “coming to the realisation that there is more to this

physical world than you have truly believed until now”, Gemma

When you start to awaken to your true nature, there are some things that you might experience along the way. It differs for everyone but I’ve included some examples below of what you might experience. A spiritual awakening can be a very lonely path and it’s reassuring to know you’re not on your own and others have walked this path before you. It’s an incredibly challenging thing to experience but the rewards are amazing! 

Synchronicities galore!

Synchronicities are those little ‘coincidences’ that happen in life and when you’re going through an awakening, you tend to see a lot of them at the very beginning. An example is talking to someone that uses an unusual word like ‘flugelbinder’ in a sentence and then an hour later you hear someone on the radio use that word too. I mean, what are the chances?! When you keep noticing things like that, they’re signs from spirit trying to wake you up. 

Repeating numbers are everywhere

Do you ever look at your watch or your phone and see 11:11 or 1:11 or 2:22, you wake up at exactly 4:44am 3 nights in a row, you might notice a car registration ‘GLG 444’ later that morning. When Spirit wants to catch your attention, they will ensure that you spot these repeating numbers to send you into a state of ‘wow’ and astonishment. They’re often called angel numbers and there are some great resources online that will help you decipher what message Spirit has for you. My personal favourites are Willow Soul and Angel Number.

Luck of the Irish

When we start to awaken, the bad luck that we have been experiencing does a complete u-turn and suddenly we are flooded with good luck. Things come to us at the right time just as we need it, as if by magic. You will be so in awe that you will be telling your nearest and dearest constantly ‘I can’t believe it! It’s amazing!’ - they’ll be your vocabulary staples!

Your ears ring and you feel dizzy

It can be like a form of tinnitus but you also know for sure it’s not tinnitus. The ringing can be intermittent or prolonged and you might get dizzy spells or the feeling of being light-headed. If you feel concerned, it’s best to contact your doctor but you can usually tell from your intuition that it’s spiritually related. The reason you’re experiencing this is that your body is changing frequency and these symptoms do ease as your ascension progresses. 

You’ll suddenly become a super-powerful manifestor 

You will begin to notice that what you think of, suddenly manifests at lightning speed. You might have a conversation with a friend about how you’re unhappy in your job and the next morning, you receive an email from an organisation who is looking to speak to you about a vacancy they have. The power of Spirit and your ability to co-create is immense! We are co-creators of our own world and Spirit will bring onto your path what you need. You only have to ask. 

Dark night of the soul 

This was the most challenging part for me personally although not everyone will experience a dark night. A ‘dark night of the soul’ is a period of weeks or months (potentially years) where you will experience a spiritual transformation. You will likely find yourself seeking solitude and feeling all of those wounds that have been embedded deep within you, questioning your life to that point. You might feel depressed and detached from friends, family and life. You’ll be realising that what you have known up to this point isn’t the whole truth and you are likely to question your sanity at some point. The ‘dark night’ is an opportunity for you to purge the wounds and begin healing, enabling you to walk in the light more easily. 

Losing your grip on materialism 

You are likely to lose interest in those material things you once had. Your pursuit of financial success or power suddenly seems less important and you aren’t as concerned about what car you are driving so it’s possible that you might also begin questioning your career. Material possessions just won’t have the same importance that they once did. It’s our ego that wants the material stuff but as our ego slips away and our soul takes over, we have a desire for truth, happiness, love and purpose. 

Pursuit of knowledge

Google will suddenly be your best friend and you’ll be researching online to build your spiritual knowledge. You’ll be seeking out truth sayers via social media and surrounding yourself with spiritual knowledge that you might not have had much interest in previously. 

New spiritual practices 

As we come into more awareness of our connection to a higher power, you might find yourself developing an interest in spiritual practices such as mediation, breathwork, tai chi, yoga etc. There’s some excellent resources on YouTube and google that you can use to get you going, some excellent podcasts and also a great selection of books you can read up on. 

Relationships change

As you become more spiritually aware, you are likely to have less interest in the day to day life you led previously. Your interest will dwindle with things such as materialism, gossip, watching the news, judging others and as your pursuit of spiritual knowledge increases, it’s likely that you will desire to talk about more spiritual topics which may not be welcomed by those closest to you. It’s inevitable that relationships with some friends and family will change as they will notice the difference in you as you are pulled towards a more spiritual way of life. However please be assured that Spirit will bring new people onto your path who resonate with you.

‘Conspiracy theories’ no longer seem far fetched

Now you’ve seen the light and you’ve opened up to the awareness of Spirit and a higher power, you begin to realise that those conspiracy theories that are often shunned by the masses may actually have more truth than you previously thought. You’ll be open to consider all options, recognising that the truth isn’t what you have been taught and you’ll want to start to find your truth (and probably try to tell others that they’re being duped!). 

You view death differently

Now you’re awakened spiritually, you realise that there is no death. There is just transition from the physical body to the afterlife. Our loved ones are all around us and there’s nothing to be scared of. Life really is eternal!

Spiritual gifts

Once you become aware of Spirit, it’s normal for your spiritual gifts to open out. Maybe you’ve always been a highly intuitive person but now you’re realising that you’re psychic, or you’ve heard your name being called when noone is there so you’re now wondering if you’re clairaudient. You might be pulled towards tarot cards and pendulums. The world is your oyster! There are some great groups on facebook that you can join to help you develop and most spiritual churches, if you have one near, have development circles where you can meet like-minded people. 

You’ll question whether unicorns exist

I mean, if all this is real, then they might be too. Right..? Anything is possible in this world of magic we live in. 

Comment below and let me know what your experience has been on your spiritual path! Are you wondering if what you’re experiencing are symptoms of awakening? 

Are you interested in receiving guidance from spirit specific to your path, what’s ahead, what spiritual gifts you possess and how to develop them? Click here to book in for a private reading.

Love and light, Gemma x


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