Why you should raise your vibration and how you can do it

Everything on this planet has a frequency, the same as music. And us humans are no different. 

Have you ever come into contact with someone who just seems to bring you down and drain your energy? This person is likely to be on a lower frequency than you (possibly referred to as a low vibration). The energy or their auric field or aura that you come into contact with will likely feel heavier. Having a lower vibration can impact on a person’s mood and they’re likely to be drawn more towards negative thought patterns and behaviours. These behaviours could include compulsive eating, self harm, alcohol abuse, promiscuity. The list is endless. 

How does someone end up with a low vibration?

It can be something that’s inherited from birth that our souls have tasked us with overcoming. Or it might be learned behaviour. We are products of our environment and if we are in a household with low vibrational care-givers for example, then it is possible that our lower vibration is a learned behaviour. One that we’re often unaware of. Our vibration is impacted greatly by what we ingest throughout the day. The information we receive into our minds as well as the food and liquids we consume all impact the frequency of our soul being which is why it makes sense to surround yourself with positive, high vibrational thinkers, high vibrational foods and information - something we often don’t have a say in when we’re in our younger years and once we’re in a lower vibration it can be challenging to get out, however it is possible! 

What are the benefits of having a higher vibration?

  • Higher vibrational people tend to be happier. Who doesn’t want that?! 

  • Higher vibrational people are often healthier and are better equipped to overcome life’s obstacles, recognising that every hardship shares with us a life lesson. 

  • People are more drawn to and trust higher vibrational people. And let’s face it, most of us like to be well received by others. 

  • You place a higher value on loving and supporting others rather than judging them and that can be a contagious quality. 

How do you raise your vibration?

Move more

Moving helps clear the negative energies out of your body and makes way for the light to enter. It doesn’t have to be strenuous physical activity, gentle movement is sufficient. Try a walk or some yoga, or dance in the kitchen when you’re making dinner! 

Eat high vibrational foods 

My guides are very strict about limiting or completely removing meat from our diets. It’s their belief that most animals deserve protection and are not for consumption, certainly not on the mass scale that we currently farm and consume them. Occasional chicken is permitted and a regular diet of fish but our diet should be mostly fresh ingredients grown from the earth, not processed foods or meat. 

Drink plenty of fresh water

My guide tells me that we underestimate the positive impact water can have on our bodies and they discourage carbonated or processed drinks. I drink water straight from the tap and my guides have no issue with that where I live however you might prefer filtered or bottled water. Whatever your preference, ensure you’re reaching for that H2O. 

Limit your intake of coffee! 

This was one of the most difficult things for me to overcome as I was a huge coffee drinker however their advice is to really minimise or remove coffee from our diet, it’s not beneficial for us. Also a good point that not everything that comes from a natural source is beneficial. 

Drink more herbal teas

Or squeeze some fresh lemon into water and perhaps add some ginger too. My favourite tea brand is Pukka Herbs but there are so many good organic brands available that I’m sure you’ll have your own preferred option. 

Connect with nature

Spending time in nature is a natural healer and helps us raise our vibration. 


Meditation on a regular basis helps us connect to ourselves on a deeper level and also with spirit - it enables spirit to help you to raise your vibration. When we meditate, a lot of work occurs that we’re unaware of behind the scenes. Meditate with the intention of raising your vibration and visualise walking up some stairs or standing on an upwards moving escalator that’s heading into the clouds.  

Guard your energy

Be careful who you have around you - negative people who indulge in negative behaviours will for sure have an impact on you. If you do need to be around someone who has a lower vibration, protect your energy with a visualisation and wear a protection crystal. 

Be cautious about what you ingest

What do you pay attention to on the television or social media? Gossiping or scare mongering will all go far to lowering your vibration and if you can avoid these things then it will have a positive impact on your vibration. 

Always look for the lesson

Try to see the positives and the lessons in every situation. Even the most dreadful of situations serve a purpose. 

If you want more personalised advised on your life path or spiritual development, you can book in for a reading by clicking here.


Roasted butternut squash soup


Fresh tomato salad with smashed avocado on toast