Balance in our grief

I wanted to preface this by stating that this isn’t a shout out for sympathy, however my Granddad passed away in the early hours of this morning and I felt compelled to write about it. 

My granddad and I weren’t close. There were a few reasons for that, one being distance - I grew up in Northern Ireland and he was in England, and the other is always knowing he was my Grandma’s second husband and not my Dad’s biological dad. Nevertheless, he was the only Granddad I had on my dad’s side of the family and he always made me very welcome when I would visit. He’s in his late 80s and has been suffering from dementia for the last few years and it really feels like it’s a weight off his and my Grandma’s shoulders that he has crossed over. 

When I pause to reflect on his passing, I have had the realisation that I don’t appear to experience grief or look at death the same as many around me do. So often during my mediumship I have been shown the celebrations that occur when our loved ones cross over. Of course to us, they’re missed. We feel their loss and mull over the life they have shared with us and the memories however for those who exist in the Spirit realm, this is cause for great joy. They have completed their life. They can finally be welcomed home and it’s a cause for rejoicing and the celebration ensues. You see, duality exists not only on the earth but also between the Spirit realm and the earth so where we’re feeling grief, the Spirit world is celebrating a home-coming. 

On this spiritual journey I find myself on, I’m constantly learning and one of the lessons Spirit have kindly been teaching me lately is the importance of balance. As I have been writing this, tears suddenly came to my eyes and I’ve remembered that balance is what we should be striving for at all times. Balance between work and play, balance between healthy eating and sweet treats. But also balance our grief. Yes, that person is no longer with us and we will miss them dearly - you have a right to feel that loss and to grieve, however perhaps you can also let a smile come to your face in the knowledge that there is a large rejoicing going on in the Spirit realm the moment that person crosses over. They are home. 


If you would like to develop your intuitive gifts and your mediumship, The Mediumship Academy might be for you.


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