3 tips to get the most from your spiritual guidance
If you’re starting to work with Spirit or using cards for example to tune into your intuition, there are some things you can do that will enhance the information you receive. Not so confident yet on your own ability to connect to Spirit? Don’t worry! These tips will also help you when preparing for a reading with an intuitive or psychic medium.
Formulate your questions
There are so many providers that offer written readings these days, myself included. When you’re having to submit your questions ahead of the reading taking place, it definitely pays to give your questions proper consideration. This is also excellent advice if you’re currently working on developing your spirit communication or tarot abilities too and intending to read for yourself directly!
If for example you’re enquiring about your romantic life and you’re specifically curious about your ex and if they’re going to be reaching back out, it might be easy to ask ‘is my ex going to get back in touch’ or ‘is my ex coming back’. Spirits are talkative, they often give more than a one word answer and in a lot of cases it’s not as clean cut as yes, no, maybe. With my guides for example, they like to tell me a story so I always recommend using open ended questions. A better question to ask is ‘what does the future look like for my relationship with my ex?’. Asking something that requires more than a one word answer will always give you much more information probably than you asked for but it will help you understand the bigger picture.
Follow up questions matter
There’s definitely an opportunity to ask follow up questions when you’re performing your own readings. If someone else is reading for you, don’t shy away from asking them additional clarifying questions during a reading, however this will be much easier and efficient during a live reading when they’re tapped into the energies. If you have asked ‘what does my ex feel for me’ for example and you’re receiving a message through that there’s uncertainty there, the next question should be ‘what is the uncertainty about’. The natural assumption might be that they’re uncertain about their feelings for you however the uncertainty could in fact be that they have their guard up and they really like you but they’re uncertain how to approach the situation and move things forward again or reconnect. Follow up questions matter!
Meditate first
Invite your guides in, even if it’s just for a brief period. Center yourself and quieten your mind and you will hear those gentle nudges from spirit much more easily. Energy works better when we’re relaxed so the same advice is also in place when you’re preparing for a reading with someone else - the reader will find it much easier to give you a detailed reading if you’re open and relaxed.
I hope this has helped you and don’t forget you can get booked in for a reading with me if you’d like to validate your own guidance.